Friday, February 5, 2010

Gratitude Friday

Happy Friday! Here's my list for the week....

1. sunshine on the wintery days! It felt so good yesterday to be outside with the sunshine. We've had a mild winter and even though the groundhog saw his shadow this week, I'm okay with 6 more weeks of winter if it's like this!

2. bagels and cream cheese! My favorite breakfast food at the moment. Soft, fresh bagels that are toasted and spread with strawberry or raspberry cream cheese. Yum!

3. Kleenex! I have a cold and it's causing all sorts of havoc. So, the box of Kleenex is my friend this week. I'm wondering how I'm gong to give the spelling test this morning so that the kids can understand me!
4. my 6th grade teaching team! I have the BEST teaching team to work with. They have taught me lots and I'm glad to have them by my side each day. It's been a tough 5 weeks, but I'm learning day by day. (and we've all decided that we definitely believe in prayer in the public schools...I don't think we'd make it each day if there weren't praying teachers and people who pray for us, too!)

5. my 6th grade classroom! I probably would choose a different grade level if I could, but these students have taught me a lot about grace, perservence, the art of counting to 50 or higher to keep from getting upset and how to laugh at myself (because if I don't, they will!) Even though it's been a tough 5 weeks, it's also been a joyful 5 weeks. I'm looking forward to the next 7 weeks with the kids.

I'm off to Starbucks to get a venti vanilla latte before heading to school today. I'd love for you to join me for a coffee!! But if you can't, have a great Friday and let me know what you're grateful for today.


One More Equals Four said...

Great list! The highest grade I ever taught was 5th and I said I never wanted to go higher! By the time they got to the end of the year those little attitudes were beginning to wreak their havoc! Glad you can find the good in it!

Have a great weekend!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

So enjoyed my first stop by your blog. And, I love your passion for teaching. Both my daughter and daughter in law are teachers, one the 5th grade and one Spec. Ed. at the high school level. They both look at it like a ministry and they both love what they do and feel very "called." Hope you enjoyed your latte. :o)

Anonymous said...

1. We had some nice sun this morning too. Too bad I didn't go outside to enjoy it...unless taking out the recycling counts.

2. We always love bagels and cream cheese over here! And we do have some strawberry cream cheese too.

3. Kleenex has been Melody's friend this past week as well.

4. It's great to have a group of people that encourages one another.

5. I have found that I do learn more when I teach. It's great! Here's to the next 7 weeks!

Heather Anne said...

It's nice to visit your blog! I love your list of things for which to be grateful! I have a long list as well - but topping it right now is a cozy warm home, a stocked fridge and freezer and may family safely home. We are in the midst of a severe winter storm, so I am enjoying the quiet and the blessings of unexpected home time as everything has been canceled or postponed for tomorrow! Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Anna said...

I'm glad that you enjoy teaching. I think that kids can tell the difference and respond to that.
What I'm grateful for today... a fresh breeze, time to relax with family, and fruit smoothies. :)

The Farmer's Wife said...

Yum! that bagel/cream cheese combo is really wonderful. I remember it back in my 20's when looking at cream cheese didn't give me 2 pounds on the hips osmotically...

My list is:
1. Barnes and Noble delivering to the sticks, in the dead of winter.

2. Laid back husband who goes for "fend-for-yourself-night", supper-wise.

3. God not letting me rot, comfortably, but pushing me kicking and screaming into new lands.

4. Funny valentines.

5. A bright blog to look at, in the sea of complaints about the snow!