Saturday, September 11, 2021

September 2021

 Remembering 9-11 today! 20 years. 💕🇺🇸

We are headed to Mount Rainier this morning. It’s one of my favorite happy places and a good time to reflect about today’s anniversary. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Happy Fall 2020

 This weekend was definitely the beginning of Fall. We spent two nights at Potholes State Park with the sweet kids. Early Sat am (like 3 am) it poured so we had a quiet start to our day. Movies, pancake breakfast, crafts, books. Then it cleared up for playground time!  We had such a great time. One more weekend and we are done for the season!  Pictures to follow.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The last day of March!

Hello there! I'm back among blogging land. It has been the strangest month ever and going back to school is still a month away. I miss teaching my science kids and all of my routines that keep me moving.

Just two weeks ago we were camping! We had all three grand kids with us for the weekend and then just Aylah for two extra nights. Who knows when we'll get to go camping again! Everything, including campgrounds and fishing, is closed until the end of April.
Spring break is next week - last year at this time we were in Hawaii! It'll be major spring cleaning here - when the weather gets nice, we are totally gutting our garage of all of its treasures and re-organizing.

Here's some pictures of our last camping trip....

Sunset at the Potholes Reservoir with Mt Rainier showing its top!

David and the kids looking out across Soda Lake, part of the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge.

Sweet Aylah, 3 1/2 years old, with her binoculars

Ready for bed on the couch

Snack time and a movie

beach time at Potholes State Park

Opa and Aylah at Frenchmen Creek

Sunrise at Potholes State Park

Enjoy this song today - it was what I needed to hear last night when I was struggling.  Yesterday was my 19th year of MS diagnosis and I had my yearly MRI done. With all that's going on in the world with this virus and being home, I got a little overwhelmed to say the least.  Here's  a few lines from this song..."As I walk now through the valley, Let your love rise above every fear. Like the sun shaping the shadow, In my weakness your glory appears."

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Happy Fall

We took a quick trip to my mom’s house in Hansville this weekendAudrey and I planted tulips and daffodils bulbs,    Easton put dirt from the mole hills into a bucket (my mom wants to use the dirt),,I put freezer meals into the downstairs freezer for future meals (chicken enchiladas and taco soup), we packed a few things into our truck to take home and we traveled the short journey to the lighthouse. A fun weekend with the two kids. I’m sure my parents are happy to have a quiet house again! I’ll add pictures later!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Last day of summer vacation!

Tonight’s walk was through Manito Park - the Japanese Garden, Duncan Gardens and all roads that go through the park. It was a nice evening. We ended it by going for ice cream at The Scoop!

Pictures tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Happy December - 2016

I think I lost a year, but I'm back.

Easton 6 years, Aylah 7 weeks, Audrey 3 1/2 years

Aylah's first Christmas

Aylah Layne and her Oma

Daffodils in December at Point No Point Lighthouse

Home in Hansville

Friday, November 20, 2015

It's almost the end of November and things are starting to get a little crazy around here! We've had a horrid wind storm that caused much damage around the Spokane area. Thousands haven't had power for a few days. We were thankful we kept our power the entire time.

I used my three days of no school to clean my house for Thanksgiving guests (the sweet kids and their parents arrive Wednesday evening.), napped a few times, went to school to do a few things and then have been working on CWU assignments. The end of the first quarter is in sight! I only have three assignments left and I'll have my first two classes for my endorsement under my belt. 
Feels good!

Here's what I created for my mock library website. Click here!
It's definitely not a professional job nor are parts of it real.
 But it was fun to create and play with the different designs.

It's hard to believe that Easton Dean Bellamy turned FIVE on Wednesday.

If I don't get back to the website, I'll wish you a Happy Thanksgiving now. Counting my blessings as we go see "White Christmas" at the Civic Theatre tonight.
  Enjoy a bit of Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving!