Good morning! Coffee's on~ grab a cup and fill it up! I'm teaching 4th grade this morning at Fairchild AFB so I have to leave pretty soon but enjoy your cup of java. Just leave the cup on the counter, say goodbye to the Beagle Boys and be sure to shut the front door when you leave!
Here's my Gratitude list this morning:
1. ice cream, or to be exact, Skinny Cow ice cream! Low calorie yummy stuff that satisfies the want for something cold.
2. going home for the weekend! I'm headed to Hansville after work and I can't wait.
3. the little church that I attended while I was growing up! The Hansville Community Church is turning 100 years. I'm so thankful for it. I have a picture of me receiving my first Bible from Pastor Overmyer. Wow, you should see the pic...short hair, short dress. Probably about 1970 era.
4. Home Sanctuary! I picked up my floor in the bedroom, thanks to Rachel's prompting. My husband will be happy to come home tonight and not have to wander through the maze of piles.
5. the swing in the backyard! Last night I sat out on it with the hose, spraying the grass to water the areas that the sprinkler doesn't get and keeping myself cooled off, too. The Beagle Boys were out with me but they don't appreciate the water at all. They're pretty comical in all of the ways they try to escape the water spraying on them!
6. Summer plans -- working at the Union Gospel Mission Kids' Camp this summer. A free camp for kids that are from lower income families, it's a summer to just love on them and bless the socks off of them. 50 kids each week -- sunshine, the Spokane River, fun, laughter, kids and sharing Jesus! I'm sure that each weekend I come home, I'll be tired but have amazing stories to share of my adventures!
Have a super duper weekend -- a week and a half til school is out in Spokane!
You have such a peaceful list of things to be grateful for today. I don't know how to explain it, but all these things just inspire peace to think of them. Enjoy your weekend!
Swings in the back garden are lovely! I was crazy about swings when I was little, and my mother and I used to dream of having a proper swing-bench to sit on. Your children's club sounds fantastic - though jolly exhausting! I'm awfully glad that our holiday club is mornings only.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes,
What a great list. I have yet to pick me up a box of Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches at Costco.
We had two days added to our school year to make up for the snow days. So we have exactly two more weeks.
Have a great trip, and a great weekend!
so bad...but we love ice cream so much over here that we even eat it in the winter time. =p
have fun at home and happy 100 to the church!
Hey, enjoy your trip this weekend! Maybe we can do coffee next week sometime. :)
We are ice creamaholics at our house. There is a fight to open every new carton, literally, to be "first to dig in." Now that my son's arms are longer than mine, I rarely win unless I resort to tickling.
Wish I could sit on your swing with you and chat! Better yet, go to Hanville with you for a visit!
Hope you had a great wknd! It must be pretty warm there if your trying to cool off while watering the garden!
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