Saturday, April 11, 2009

Photo Hunt: #157 Triangle

The kids were exploring with geoboards in the 2nd/3rd classroom this week. I happened, of course, to have my camera there and took pictures of their creations. After they explored, I gave a lesson on "area" and equal parts of half, fourths and eighths. They were amazing in their thinking!
Here's two examples of triangles:
For more photos of triangles, jump over to Enjoy!


Sarah Coggins said...

How cool! I wish we'd had something that fun when I was in school. Seems like it would make the lessons much more interesting. :)

Marites said...

for sure, the kids have fun with the triangle experience.

Ordinary Biscuit said...

kids nowadays are very clever.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Really neat! I did PH, too. I hope you have a chance to see mine.

Have a great weekend. He is risen!

Brita said...

Really cool! Great take on the theme.

Tracey@Aloha Monkeys said...

Very cool. I'd say you have a whole bunch of triangles there.

Tara R. said...

These are great! Nice take on the theme. I like how you included your class in the project.

Kim said...

Love your take on this weeks theme. Great photos too!

I found it hard to find triangles in my house this week but I did finally find some.

Mine's up and ready...come on over!

healingmagichands said...

Very wonderful triangles, especially since the are the product of joyous learning! Thanks for coming by my blog.

mholgate said...

Hey Kerri! Just wanted to let you know that my blog background came from She has lots of free templates you can use and if you click on the one you like there are instructions on how to install it without messing up any other part of your blog. It was easy! If I can do it, so can you. :)
