There used to be a gas commercial that had this saying "Life: It's what happens between empty and full." I was just reminded of it this evening...I've had such an amazing day of teaching, some not so pleasant moments of kids doing what they choose to do instead of what I ask but they were small in comparison with this: some ecstatic moments of discovering right along with the kids, those little special moments when a kiddo comes up and gives me a hug and says "I'm beautiful!" or they tell you something that's an "AHA!" moment for them. It was a FULL type of day.
I also got to see a good friend I hadn't seen in quite a while. Spending just 10 minutes with them talking was enough to re-charge me til the next time we see each other! It was a FULL type of friend day -- laughing with other teaching friends, staying in touch with friends via email, getting emails from blog friends about my gratitude list and my situation with David. I'm still contemplating calling Lisa (from the Food Pantry!) even though it's late and asking her out for a cup of coffee, just to get another friend fix and COFFEE! :)
But life has definitely happened today! I know I can't always be full and I have to do the unpleasant tasks of cleaning the house, scooping the poop, doing the grocery shopping, figuring out college bills for Ian, looking for the matched socks (that one's for you, Mary!), worrying about the broken down car (even though it's covered by insurance) and other little nit-noid thing that is in this game of life.
Empty, however, is easy to get into when you forget to fill up with positive stuff and you start running on fumes. I continue to learn this lesson lots. My biggest lesson was about 5 yrs ago when life was the absolute pits with work, MS, church situation, friends, etc. There was no full. And it took the help of Dr. Wonderful to drag me back to the "go juice" station to even begin to register into life again. Last May was the same thing but I had learned some tools to get myself out of the empty spot & at least get a few gallons of "go juice!" A few things that continue to empty me -- financial difficulties that keep me awake at night, David's work situation and his own emptiness at the moment, my relationship with my dad who lives in the Phillipines and who recently sent me a pretty candid letter, the wonderings of 'who I am' and 'what do I have to offer'? I search a lot and come up empty.
Thankfully, the Lord knows it all. I read this morning in Psalm 56:3 "For when I am afraid, I will put my trust in You!" I've taken time to "be still" and recharge. Those times even include taking naps and knowing that it'll be okay when I open my eyes again.'s what happens between empty and full!! Thank you for helping me stay out of EMPTY!