2. Early mornings when no one else has been outside yet. This snowy picture was taken out my back door at 8 AM.
3. The Snowblower! It's been a lifesaver these past few weeks. (although after falling today, I'm officially retiring from the snow removal team at my house!)
4. Friends who came over for dinner last night and played games, too. What a great time!
5. Continual supply of dry socks. There's puddles of melted snow on my floors and I'm always stepping in those puddles. Thank goodness for dry socks (and slippers when I finally put them on!), plus David who keeps my supply stocked!
6. A new camera. I was able to buy my camera on base this week for a great price. Keeping this one up high from puppies and kitties!
7. Living Proof Ministries! Beth Moore has challenged us to memorize two scriptures a month. I have chosen this verse for the first half of the month: Isaiah 30:21 (NIV) Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
Well, I'm honored to have my blog mentioned in a list with Beth Moore's. :) Although, her challenges are so much more spiritual than mine - sigh!
Actually, the 2 scriptures a month would be a good one for me..and I may just consider it!
The photo is gorgeous. I'd love just a tiny bit of that snow!
I agree. The two scriptures a months is something I should do as well. I love your gratitude list. I have lots to be thankful for as well!
I too am committed to learning more Scripture this year.
Oh what a hope-filled verse to start out your challenge with.
I hate wet socks too! I have three boys and it seems that I always step in the puddles they leave after getting out of the tub. And it never fails, those are always the moments I don't have my slippers on. Thanks for the latte!
Thanks for the latte! What an amazing photo. I am not a winter person, so enjoy viewing snow on the computer screen and not out my own window! Happy 2009!
Gorgeous picture. You can send some snow eastward. My 3 year-old cannot wait to build a snow man.
I have my pack of scriptures ready. Of course it does help to pick them up and read them every now and then.
Happy New Year!
I hope you recover from your fall soon. I can't ever live in the snow (I'm cold even when it's hot out), although that photo that you took is beautiful. I think I'll just have to admire that.
Fantastic scripture! I think I may memorize that one as well. You have a wonderful gratitude list. We should all remind ourselves of our blessings now and then. :)
I've always wanted to learn more scripture ....no self-discipline but I think it would surely be a good focus right now....We have two dogs and 5kids in the house so there always seems to be wet spot somewhere!
It has been so long since I have seen snow. Ok, well not actually SEEN snow, but had enough snow to do something with other than run around in it before it melts.
I love the scripture idea. I may have to join you on that one.
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