It'd become a tradition in our house to do a "first day of school" photo. Not having kids in school for awhile, we'd gotten out of practice.
Not anymore! Today was OUR first day of school. I'm a part time librarian for the Spokane Schools and David is doing a teaching practicum in Orchard Prairie School District. (He'll be doing his student teaching in February and graduating from Whitworth Univ in May.)
A very fun day of meeting kids today and learning what our jobs are all about. I can't recall the last time I read the same story three or four times. I had seven classes with at least 22 in each class, ranging from Kindergarten to 3rd grade. I have a bunch of names and faces to learn, but how exciting to share my love of reading and learning with all of them.
David tagged-team taught with his master teacher. He even brought science notebooks home to make teacher comments for the kids. Poor guy, he has college class tonight -- it's his PE methods class and boy, do they learn to play all of the games the kids learn. (I keep telling him that he's an ADULT and not to break anything! One guy broke his foot last week. Just sayin'....)
I have five or six classes tomorrow and then I'm off to Goldendale to be with Jen, Brad and Easton for the weekend. I'll be checking on current children's literature ideas, though. What's your favorite kid's book?